Month: October 2016

  • ‘Sorcha in Snowflakes’ in Holiday Ever After

    ‘Sorcha in Snowflakes’ in Holiday Ever After

    Sorcha in Snowflakes A beautiful painter, Sorcha Rosenbloom, meets the mysterious man she has drawn in her sketchbook, Alexander Macklin who owns a painting of hers, a self-portrait of her standing in the forest with snow falling. Their love story combines a magical destiny and fate in a contemporary urban setting. Buy it now! I…

  • Holiday Stories and other Tails

    Holiday Stories and other Tails

    This summer, I entered a short story contest for a Holiday anthology put together by my local RWA chapter. Romance Holiday and Christmas short story anthologies are my secret little passion. Like bags of gummy bears or cookies, I can’t resist them. My favorites are Regency Christmas stories: the whipped cream of amazingness in Holiday…