Month: April 2016

  • RT Booklovers Convention, Part 2

    RT Booklovers Convention, Part 2

    I was pretty excited meeting all my favorite authors at RT16. When you read 15 books by a particular person, you feel very connected. You have been living in their imagined worlds and spaces for extended periods of time. Their particular Authorial Voice is in your head. Sylvia Day was the first author I heard…

  • RT Booklovers Convention Highlights, Part 1

    RT Booklovers Convention Highlights, Part 1

    I just returned from the RT Booklovers Convention in Las Vegas. I was interested in the event because they offered a robust selection of craft and business sessions taught by NY Times Bestseller authors, Indie Authors, Publishing Houses and Literary Agents. This is primarily a fan convention but it has grown into a hybrid fan…

  • me hafta Work, Work, Work, …!

    me hafta Work, Work, Work, …!

    I am writing furiously because I threw out a couple of days writing and re-wrote the ending. Again. I keep docs labeled “Shit I cut April <insert date>”. When I am bored, I read them. These docs form weird fragmented stories that have their own life. My writing teacher at UCLA, Tony DuShane said for…